Tuesday, January 2, 2018

WordGirl #5 End of the Year!

For the last week of 2017, I had #5: "Wear your absolute favorite, most comfy outfit at least one day this week." This was a delightful way to end the year! I like to be comfortable and we went up to the lake for four days . . . no bra, a fire in the fireplace, very comfy clothes, and lots of jigsaw puzzles! Yay for comfy!

My "One Thing" for the week was "Prepare 2018 goals and Bible study plan." I was so glad to work on this and have it done before we went to the lake! Each year, I set goals in three major (Spiritual, Physical, and Financial) and three additional areas (Relationships, Household, and Quilting). It felt great to have this done before leaving on vacation - I truly "check out" when I'm at the lake!

Louise has a cool new plan for 2018 . . . a monthly invitation rather than a weekly task / encouragement. I'd love to hear how this past year has gone for others in her 3F2E circle! I confess, I'm ready to revert to my "One Thing" as my nudge-nudge to get going on something specific each week. It's fun to try new things, though, so I'm trying to stay open to suggestions.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

WordGirl #51

For December 17-23 (week 51), I drew #51: "Learn something new about the environment and how to take care of our planet in your own backyard this week."

I'm not sure I was successful . . . I try to learn something new *every* week! I care about the environment and try to make "green" choices in my life. I'm working on buying less stuff so I have less packaging, waste, etc. We compost and recycle, reuse and donate. I take my own canvas bags to the grocery store.

My "One Thing" is almost done. I have the envelopes ready to drop in the mail today (Tuesday, December 26). It's nice to have that done!

Now it's the last week of 2017. One more Triple F Double E thing to finish off the year!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

WordGirl #18 toes

For week 50 (December 10-16), I drew #18: "Try to touch your toes without bending your knees (as far as you can go) every day this week."

Sunday - 5 1/2" from floor
Monday - 3" from floor
Tuesday - 1" from floor (almost touched!)
Wednesday - didn't do it
Thursday - touched, but couldn't hold
Friday - Aha! Early in the day, I was a few inches away from my toes. By evening, I could touch them, but couldn't hold my fingertips there.
Saturday - same as Friday. Apparently, I "limber up" a bit over the course of the day. Interesting.

My "One Thing" for the week was "Get AIM info ready for Saturday." I was successful, but it was (and is) in rough draft form, because I had to talk to some people and change some specific info.

Two weeks left!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

WordGirl #52 Color

For week #49 (December 3-9), I drew slip #52: "Add color to your pallet this week - socialize with someone from a different race, wear a color that you never thought you would, paint something, etc. This one is wide open - how do you add color?"

This was fun, but I didn't do as much with it as I would have liked. I wore red and green (and seasonally appropriate socks) at least one day last week. I chatted with some people of a different race than myself at the county courthouse on Monday. I planned a painting project, but didn't do anything with it yet. I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful flowers my sister Ann had brought over on Thanksgiving! They finally said goodbye this past week (except for the orchid, which is still alive and beautiful).

My "One Thing" this week was to weatherstrip the front door. I'm glad I talked to Louie about it, because he said the weatherstripping is fine. The door just doesn't shut snug against it. I didn't believe him, so he showed me. Ah! Now I understand. He got a screwdriver and tightened the strike plate for the door knob latch. Now there's less air flow! Yeah!

No photos to post this week, but I'm getting the blogging done on a Sunday! New week ahead!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

WordGirl, #19, nature

For week 48 (November 26 - December 2), I had #19: "Spend some time in nature this week." I took Titus to the dog park, went up to the compost in our back yard, etc. Nothing special or out of the ordinary, I'm afraid. But having a puppy means getting outside several times every day! My arthritis (in my left knee) has been problematic lately, so I haven't been a super outdoors gal of late. My favorite place to spend time in nature is up at Strawberry Lake . . . or the BWCA . . . or in Maui, walking on the beach . . . sigh. I don't think I have a favorite.

Since I really like having an item to focus on and accomplish each week, I'm doing my One Thing again . . . for whatever reason, this helps me.

I will have a new daughter-in-law in June! Last Christmas, I just put up a store-bought Christmas stocking for her. I really wanted a personal stocking, though. I bought the sheep fabric in August (when Ann and I took the road trip to see the eclipse) and finally made the stocking this week! It isn't super fantastic . . . my sewing skills are still wanting. But I made it! Now Mari has her own, personal, LaMoore family Christmas stocking! The inside is pink flannel. I'm afraid the cuff got a little too snug . . . but it will have to do!

I called my first daughter-in-law (they married 4 1/2 years ago) and asked if she wanted a new stocking. Hers is pretty pink arctic fleece (fuzzy soft), but not a quilted stocking. She's fine with it (she told me) but I can make her a different one if I want. With all the sewing projects already needing my attention, I think I'm done with stockings for 2017!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

WordGirl Yet Another Catch-Up Session #31, #44, #43

Sigh. It's November 29 as I write this and I haven't even pulled my slip of paper for this week! I'm going back to my One Thing in 2018 . . . it lacks some of the fun variety and group participation aspect, but it works for me!

Week 45 (Nov. 5-11) I had #31: "Perform one act of proactive political action this week." I'm sad that I don't regularly do this! It seems like an exercise in futility, yet I know I should be more civically engaged. I intended to contact my representatives about the BWCA and keeping the copper mining out. I meant to contact the powers that be about protecting net neutrality. There were so many issues and so many missed opportunities. I finally called the FCC about the net neutrality issue. Probably too little, too late, but at least I tried.

Week 46 (Nov. 12-18) I drew #44: "Plan or plant wildlife friendly plants where you live, work or play - a pollen friendly plant maybe?" I planted some tulip bulbs, replanted the thyme that I'd had in a container on the deck, and trimmed back the plants by my mailbox area.

Week 47 (Nov. 19-25), I got #43: "Practice your handwriting skills this week - notes to others, shopping lists, etc." I didn't actually *practice* it, but I do a fair amount of longhand writing on a regular basis. Besides lists, I journal and write (and send) notes and cards to people. I like to joke that cursive writing is a secret code adults can use - kids can't read it!

Okay, I'm going to call this caught up and grab a slip of paper for this week.

Monday, November 6, 2017

WordGirl #15 #4 #24 Catching Up Again!

For October 15-21, I drew #15: "Drink 1 less alcoholic, caffeinated, sugary, energy drink (or other not the best for you drink), this week." I did okay with this. I resisted the desire for a Coke Zero one day at lunch and had water instead. I've been trying to drink more water so that my belly is full and I'm not as thirsty for other beverages. I know water is good for me, but I don't love drinking it all the time.

For October 22-28 (week #43!), I drew #4: "Drink zero calorie pop instead of regular pop this week." No problem! I almost never drink regular pop any more. Coke Zero is my favorite when I do have pop. Or a Fresca when I want non-caffeinated pop (not often!). Again, I've really been working on drinking more water. When it's cold out, I have hot water with lemon.

For last week, October 29 - November 4, I had #24: "Be kind to yourself this week - you're worth it!" This was a fun one to have up! I am often quick to criticize myself (and others, truth be told) but I want to be more kind in general, so this was a nice reminder. I've been saying aloud some Scriptures that really bless me and help me to focus on God's goodness and love for me.

On to a new week's challenge!